The Marmot’s burrow

So our animation projet has got a Marmot as main character. His burrow is therefore quite important. So we did some research. Of course our character being of the specific “Alpine Marmots”, we focus on this subspecies.

So the Alpine marmots live mainly between 1500 and 3000 meters high, above forests. It seems they prefer clear largely exposed area so that they can spot any predator from far away. They live in group, in large burrows, up to 3 meter deep and 10 meter long, with a main room, toilets, a main entrance facing south (they like their sun!), and even emergency exits.
Well we won’t bore you more with details, you can find these all and more on the web. Funny also as it seems more than a kid must have had homeworks on the marmot’s burrow out there! Pretty funny. 🙂

Here are some research images.

go out entrance concepts homeresearch

ZeMarmot Project

We are working currently with the animation artist Aryeom Han on a 2D animation project, entirely made with Free Software. This is still the start, we are mostly defining the main and secondary characters, the graphics style and the synopsis…

This movie is based off an original idea from Jehan, who had started — years ago — to doodle a small marmot who liked to sleep and nap everywhere. He started to make it into a webcomic with the help of Aryeom. It has been quicly decided to make it a movie instead.


A marmot living quietly in his burrow, whose favorite activity is sleeping, discovers there would be unheard extraordinary things outside his mountains. The small rodent decides to leave in a trip around the world.

The main character

The Marmot, our key character, is a small rodent from the western European mountains. As a consequence it would be an Alpine marmot (scientific name: Marmota marmota).

We tried several graphical styles and are now indecisive on 2 styles. Here they are.

ZeMarmot, first version
ZeMarmot, first version

ZeMarmot, second version
ZeMarmot, second version

And here are some scans of illustrations and various research drawings.
ZeMarmot walking
ZeMarmot walking

Meets a hedgehog
Meets a hedgehog

The burrow, home sweet home
The burrow, home sweet home

Libre Calendar 2015

The Studio Girin is participating to a Libre Calendar, with Aryeom, our animator, drawing 2 illustrations in the calendar.

Some artworks of Wilber, the GIMP mascot, made by Aryeom.
Some artworks of Wilber, the GIMP mascot, made by Aryeom (she will also draw another, completely new, drawing for the sake of this project!).

This will be a typical “old-style” (= paper) calendar, with 12 artworks (drawings, photographs and 3D renders). The Calendar and all the artworks will be released as Creative Commons Attribution 2.0, which means that you can basically use these artworks however you want in your own creations as long as you credit the original authors.
These artworks are made by 6 awesome artists, all using Free Software, in particular GIMP and Blender, but also likely Inkscape. And we will do the finale calendar page layout with Scribus. So this is a full “Freedom” calendar, wouhou!

If there are enough sales, hence profit, it will be mainly used to fund the artists and also donated to the 4 aforementioned FLOSS projects. So I hope you’ll go get one!

Anyway go see more at: Libre Calendar 2015!

Quick Update: mirror-painting? I have not forgotten!

Hello all,

A quick update about the mirror painting feature in GIMP. I have regularly people reminding me, and you are right about doing so! But know that It is not forgotten. Simply my life has been a little going on many directions lately, with moving back to my home country after about 5 years on the road (and still not fully stable), trying to manage a non-profit for Libre Art in Paris (you’ll hear very soon about it!), and various projects.

Yet the mirror-painting project is not dead. I simply know that GIMP 2.10 is not to be out just yet, so there is no need to hurry right now, while there are much more pressing things for me to do. Also be assured, with the platform I used, I don’t get the money until it is done, which I think is a good thing.
Anyway I’ll give more news about it soon, I hope. But you’ll likely hear about other projects before.
See you soon!