Release of the pilot episode of an old project: “Ouhlala”

2017 starts well for ZeMarmot, with many new contributors and joy of life!

We  recently found a former project, lost in old hard drives, dating from either end-of-2014, or early 2015 (before  ZeMarmot), when we were still searching for a fun project to keep us  busy. As you know, we haven’t chosen this project, called “Ouhlala“,  which explains this small 30-sec episode was getting forgotten somewhere  in a hard drive. A little sad; therefore we now release it.
Obviously  this serie is on indefinite standby since we now focus on ZeMarmot and this is the  first time we publicly release this episode (it was only shown once  during a very small talk, 2 years ago)!

The early concept of the serie was to illustrate various idioms from all over the world with short  animations (not necessarily in an intellectual way, more with funny  views). The pilot episode focused on the French idiom “Jamais 2 sans 3” (~ things always go in 3).

License of the movie: Creative Commons by-SA 4.0 international
As usual, all is drawn with GIMP, sound is recorded or edited in Ardour, except for a few CC 0 sounds found on the awesome

Have a fun viewing all!

Reminder: if you like what we do, you can fund our current project, ZeMarmot at Patreon (USD) or Tipeee (EUR).