ZeMarmot at Alternatiba Paris 2015

Barely back to Paris since yesterday, we will be at Alternatiba Paris tomorrow, Sunday 27th of September. Alternatiba is a World event (mostly present in France) which mostly focus on climate, ecology, but also alternative social models, more human and fair. It went in many cities and will end up in Paris, place de la République, this week-end.

Well we will be there in the “Libre Village”, particularly in the “cinema” and “museum” booth, close to other communities, projects and association of Free Software and similar movements (April, Parinux, Framasoft, Franciliens.net, la quadrature du net, root 66, Chiffrofête, Mozilla-FR, Drupal, Novalys, Libre Office…).

We are in the area '9' of this map!
We are in the area ‘9’ of this map!

We will represent the LILA association, ZeMarmot animation film project, and do a few GIMP demos and presentation.

Come see us if you are around Paris!

P.S.: we’ll make a small report of our trip to the Alps where we got very cool references for ZeMarmot, very soon. We’ll just need a few days to have some rest after this exhausting journey!

In the search for ZeMarmot (2)

So we are now in Saint-Véran, highest village of France (third in Europe) where marmots are just everywhere. For our first day there, we encountered quite a few marmots, made nice photos, videos and sound recording, and found some nice spots which may become a cool burrow for the hero of ZeMarmot.

Also thanks to Magic Lantern, the Free Software allowing us to do cool videos with our Canon EOS 50D (which had no video feature officially!).

Hop, a small preview video of a marmot getting its nose out of its burrow (CC Attribution 4.0 International):

Beginning the search for ZeMarmot

We have started a dozen days of research for “ZeMarmot” Open Movie. By this, we mean we are going for a trip to the Alps, where we we will stalk cool marmots! Our goal is to get photos, videos and sounds, of marmots, other animal and awesome mountain landscapes. These will be used for reference for the animation film, to study marmot behavioral patterns, movements, get ideas, and so on.

We actually started in the Massif Central, the center mountains in France, since it was on our way south. We stopped by Mont Dore, where we hiked for a day the Puy de Sancy, since we read that many marmots were living there (reintroduced by mankind after disappearing… probably because of mankind anyway!).

Puy de Sancy, France
Puy de Sancy, France

Well the day was not the most sunny, and it was quite windy, so apart from some mouflons from quite far, we could not find any marmots. I imagine they would not get out in crappy days. I wouldn’t if I were a marmot!

Mouflon on the Mountain, Puy de Sancy, France
Mouflon on the Mountain, Puy de Sancy, France

Well… until the very very end, just when we were getting back, and when the rain started, a small ball of fur ran just a few meters in front of us! It ran inside its burrow, but we camped in front for a dozen minutes, and it slowly came out again. So for a first day, we were quite happy. We at least got our first photographs and videos of a marmot!

Marmot in Puy de Sancy, France
Marmot in Puy de Sancy, France

Now the bad news is that our 64GB UDMA7 CompactFlash card died while we were transferring all the photos and videos on the computer, the next day! We lost at least 71 photos (many of them of the said marmot unfortunately) and 1 video in my count, and maybe more, and we’ll have to buy a new one tomorrow, before we are heading to the Alps for the main part of the research adventure.

Well that’s life, I guess.

See you soon for the next update!

Name dropping in the last hours of ZeMarmot crowdfunding

We had an awesome funding experience, but this is not finished. First because we still have a few hours left, so if you were planning on contributing and simply waiting for the last second, now is the time! Also because this is only the start of ZeMarmot adventure. With what we have funded, we are going to release the beginning of the movie in a few months, which we hope you will enjoy, then decide to continue supporting, financially or otherwise.

As of now we have 327 awesome funders from 36 countries, from smaller amounts to bigger ones (1000 €). Amongst our Silver Sponsors, 2 organizations officially support our project: apertus° (the first OpenHardware cinema camera makers) and Laboratorio Bambara (a research group on audiovisual art).
Our first ever Silver sponsor was Mike Linksvayer, former executive director of Creative Commons. We can also count Terry Hancock, Free Software Magazine columnist and director of the Open animation serie “Lunatics“, among our funders, and other contributors from well known Free Software or Free Knowledge projects: a long time GIMP developer, Simon Budig; a Mozilla employee, Xionox; a Creative Commons employee himself on a movie adventure too, Matt Lee; GCompris maintainer, Bruno Coudoin… And I’m sure I missed a lot of people.
Also several teachers from various universities, even a bookstore (À Livr’Ouvert) backing us officially, fellow artists, some using Free Software (like Tepee), people from the cinema industry (an executive producer for instance).

Of course the GIMP project has been supporting our project all along…
Screenshot from 2015-05-08 19:56:40
As well as Libre Graphics World, reference for Free Arts-related news…
BlenderNation, linuxfr (French-speaking Free Software news), Framasoft, GIMPUsers, the VLC project, and so many others.
We were also featured in wider audience news website as Numera and Reflets, and even in television on TV5World, and twice on French FM radio.

Tristan Nitot (former president of Mozilla Europe, now Cozy Cloud Chief Product Officer), Free Software foundation, Creative Commons shared our project on various social networks or blogs.
Ton Roosendaal, Blender Foundation chairman, called our initiative “a Libre movie project with the right spirit”.
Now I’m just name-dropping. That’s because we were impressed by all this support. Yet let me be clear: you are all as important to us! Everyone of you. You show us that Libre Art, independent films and Free Software are cool and have a chance. Because seas are made of each drops.
We love you all.
Marmot Love