Have you heard of the Project Gooseberry? Well this is the last animation movie project by the Blender Foundation. You may have heard of their previous Open Projects: “Elephant Dreams“, “Big Buck Bunny” (and the brother game “Yo Frankie“), “Sintel” and “Tears of Steel“. Mostly short movies and one video game. Well the project Gooseberry is the last project of the family. Basically the concept is easy: the project’s finale result, as well as all its raw data, is released under a Creative Commons attribution license, as were all previous projects. These movies are free as one can get.
And this time, they want to go even one step further, as they are attempting a feature-length movie, which is huge. If the project succeeds — and with the Foundation’s track record, I’m sure it will — this would be a very important milestone for Open Cinema, as well as for Free Software (since one of the goal is also to improve the Blender 3D software).
Anyway we funded as a bronze sponsor. There are only 3 days left, and they have not reached yet the funding target. Thus if you like these kinds of projects, dear readers, I would really suggest to go and fund as well! And some day, we will make our own big project, and we really hope you will fund us this day too. 🙂
Go Gooseberry!