The Studio Girin is participating to a Libre Calendar, with Aryeom, our animator, drawing 2 illustrations in the calendar.

This will be a typical “old-style” (= paper) calendar, with 12 artworks (drawings, photographs and 3D renders). The Calendar and all the artworks will be released as Creative Commons Attribution 2.0, which means that you can basically use these artworks however you want in your own creations as long as you credit the original authors.
These artworks are made by 6 awesome artists, all using Free Software, in particular GIMP and Blender, but also likely Inkscape. And we will do the finale calendar page layout with Scribus. So this is a full “Freedom” calendar, wouhou!
If there are enough sales, hence profit, it will be mainly used to fund the artists and also donated to the 4 aforementioned FLOSS projects. So I hope you’ll go get one!
Anyway go see more at: Libre Calendar 2015!