Studio Girin is a small arts studio. There was no official and legal entity as a group for some time, merely several individual people working together. Since 2014 though, we regrouped under the LILA non-profit association (registered in France).
Below are a list of graphical projects:
2015-2016: ZeMarmot
- ZeMarmot is a project of 2D animation movie, to be released under Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International/Art Libre licenses and fully made with creative Free Software (GIMP, Blender, Ardour…).
- » Teaser film used for crowdfunding:
May 2018: What is Peertube?
Video for the Framasoft non-profit, explaining the usage of the web software Peertube.
October 2017: internal CFPI board game
Board game for internal formation usage only for the non-profit “petits frères des Pauvres” with a 60×96 flexible board, 191 cards, a rulebook, a custom laser-printed plywood box…

August-September 2015: CFPI video (Centre de Formation Permanente et Interactive des petits frères des Pauvres)
Internal video for the formation center of non-profit “petits frères des Pauvres”, mixing animated drawing and live images. The video is not available publicly.

February 2013: Dance of the Sugar Plum Butterfly
- Promotional video for the Japanese contemporary dancer Hysao Takagi, paint with rotoscoping technic over dance footage.
January 2013: Interview with the Red Panda
2012: design works
March 2012: winner in the Firefox Flicks 2012 contest
Both submissions used nearly the same video (some details aside in the end of the video), except that we enhanced the video in realtime using HTML5 in the New Technology version.

To see older personal projects of Studio Girin’s art director, see Aryeom’s former reel.